International Campus

Sharif University of Technology

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Our Background

Who we are & What we do?

We're a team of dedicated students committed to enhancing the student experience at Sharif University. Our platform aims to:
• Familiarize students with the campus environment.
• Foster a friendly and supportive community for communication.
• Provide easy access to educational resources through shared files and documents.
Join us in our mission to empower students and enrich their university journey.

Why would you trust us?

You can trust us because:
• Commitment to Privacy: We are dedicated to keeping your information safe and private, ensuring that your data and interactions remain confidential.
• Non-Profit Focus: As non-profit individuals, our sole aim is to serve and support the student community, without any commercial interests influencing our actions.
• Continuous Improvement: We are always striving to enhance our platform, listening to your feedback and evolving to better serve you.

Our platform boasts an extensive range of visits, active users and a wealth of messages and blogs, reflecting the dynamic and interactive nature of our community. Join us and contribute to the rich exchange of knowledge and ideas!





